Project: sprINT

sprINT is an internship-tracking application that was created to assist students in their internship hunt. Students often face a great administrative burden in keeping track of the high volume of job or internship applications, which include details like interview dates. Therefore, sprINT aims to help these students by tracking and recording their application details, such as the company, company contact information and status.

sprINT is written in Java, with the GUI built using JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Code contributed

New feature

Added the ability to add, edit and delete tasks (PR #115)

  • What it does: allows the user to add a task to an existing application, as well as edit or delete an existing task.
  • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because the user can now keep track of other requirements or milestones that are related to the application, like interviews and online assessments, but could not be captured previously.
  • Highlights: This enhancement involved adding new classes to represent Task objects and its fields, as well as for task-related commands. It required changes in existing classes and test cases related to Applications, since Task was implemented as an additional field within Application.

Project management

  • Authored 31 issues on the Github repo

Enhancements to existing features

Updated GUI (PR #166 and #68)

  • Enhanced the previous design of AB3 to match our product mock-up

Updated delete feature (PR #72)

  • Updated the original DeleteCommand in AB3 (now DeleteApplicationCommand) to match sprINT’s user story and requirements

Refactored Model component (PR #46)

  • Added new classes to represent Application objects in a new package and updated existing classes in Model to match sprINT’s requirements


User Guide (PR #227 and #47)

  • Created the User Interface section to explain the functionality of each component in sprINT’s UI
  • Updated Glossary section with definitions for technical terms and sprINT-related terminology like ‘application’ and ‘status’
  • Updated documentation for the delete feature to match sprINT’s requirements

Developer Guide (PR #119)

  • Added implementation details of the AddTaskCommand
  • Updated Glossary section with definitions for sprINT-related terminology
  • Changed all references to AB3 and its classes (including links and UML diagrams) to sprINT

Contributions to team-based tasks

  • Set up and configured Github organisation and team repository